古典尺八について-about koten shakuhachi-



What is shakuhachi?

It is a bamboo (Madake) flute. People know it as a Japanese traditional instrument from the Edo period. Back in the days, Buddhist monks called “Komuso” played shakuhachi as their zen practice, and playing shakuhachi is also referred to as “Sui-Zen.” The pieces that Komuso monks played have been handed down to the present as “Koten-Honkyoku.”






Shakuhachi and Meditation

But why could playing shakuhachi be a practice of Buddhism? 

I learned that the very Buddhism practice Shakyamuni Buddha originally preached was a meditation using breathing (Early Buddhism). With this meditation method, Buddha said that you could observe yourself objectively and realize how all the things/feelings are just temporary and there is no need to crave them. Then you will be liberated from suffering and reach the enlightenment. 

In fact shakuhachi playing is surprisingly similar to this meditation. The more you get used to playing, the more you get relaxed and blowing becomes more like breathing. You concentrate on your breathing and use it as a standing ground where you can observe yourself objectively. 

Back in the Edo period and probably even today, Mahayana Buddhism was/is dominant  in Japan. So I would guess that it was just a weird coincidence of Komuso and Early Buddhism. But it actually makes it even more interesting.







現代の尺八を使っても、そういう気持ちで吹けば問題ないかもしれません。しかしやはり道具には向き不向きがあって、例えばヘビーメタルを弾きたいならアコースティックギターよりもエレキギターを使う方がいいのと同じで、昔ながらの尺八をやりたい場合は地無し尺八のほうが向いていますし、J POPなどで尺八を使いたい場合は地あり尺八のほうが向いているでしょう。



Ji-nashi and Ji-ari

Not many people know but there are two different kinds of shakuhachi. One is the original Edo-period, and the other is modernized/westernized.

The modernized/westernized one is called “Ji-ari” shakuhachi and it is the mainstream. 99% of shakuhachi players are using Ji-ari.  “Ji-ari” means that the inside bore is coated with clay paste and lacquer to make it smooth. There are no bumps inside so that you can blow the bamboo like a regular flute. It makes it easier to play, tune to the western scale and have a bigger sound. As a result, every “Ji-ari” shakuhachi tend to sound the same and standardized.

The original Edo-period style shakuhachi is called “Ji-nashi”. It’s basically a raw bamboo with 5 finger holes. Every bamboo has a different shape and bumps inside the bore so that you need to adjust yourself to each of them. It makes it harder to play and stay in tune. Plus the sound is smaller because you can’t blow it too hard. 

However, this is the most important part of it all. It is about adjusting yourself to nature not changing nature for your convenience. 

With the modern standard, some bamboos can’t make it to be Ji-ari shakuhachi. Ideally it has to be straight, and if it curves too much, it just gets thrown away. It has to fit right in the mold.

On the other hand, if you want to make and play “Ji-nashi” shakuhachi, it doesn’t have to be perfect. You can just enjoy the relaxing natural sound and unique tone color of each bamboo. Of course some bamboos are hard to play but you just need to find a way to bring the best out of it. There is no underachiever. 

The sound of “Ji-nashi” is so quiet that your surroundings become a part of the music, and also the shakuhachi sound becomes a part of the environment vice versa. Your ego will disappear as you continue playing.

Some people may say that you can play Ji-ari with the same mindset as Ji-nashi. Yes you could, but for example, if you want to play Heavy Metal, you’d better play electric guitar rather than acoustic. In the same way, it’s better to use Ji-nashi to play traditional pieces. If you want to play a pop song, then Ji-ari is the one.

We can choose different tools for different purposes. We shouldn’t fight over which is better or which is right.







Today’s world and shakuhachi

It’s simply fun and relaxing to put your breath into a bamboo and make a sound out of it. It”s definitely a good time to have in your everyday life. Shakuhachi is also one of those rare things that you can do and look even cooler when you get older. 

Even though it’s considered as a traditional music, Ji-nashi shakuhachi sound is avant-garde and referable to jazz or contemporary music. Once you forget it completely, it comes back as a brand new. Now is the time.

Traditional culture is a big part of identity of a person in its country. Most Japanese people don’t know or even care about shakuhachi. Ji-nashi is hopeless. But the perspectives of Ji-nashi such as “No underachiever”, “Adjusting to Nature” and “Disappearing ego” are more important than ever. If Japanese people embrace it as a part of their culture, I believe the society will change for the better. Actually, it is not just about Japan or Japanese people. I think the world needs it right now.

I really want more people to know about shakuhachi especially Ji-nashi. It is literally a dying breed but we can’t let it go. We have to save this precious culture for the future.

If you are interested, please come to my shows or class. I am waiting for YOU!

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